Video Transcript: Pepper Pod

The Pepper Pod is a one-of-a-kind organization. It is a retreat centre for veterans and veterans’ spouses. It’s a wide range of programs and activities for the community throughout the year.

The Pepper Pod is first and foremost a safe, warm meeting place where close-knit groups develop with members helping and supporting each other as they navigate the adventures of life after military service.

I can say without hesitation that the Pepper Pod has had a positive impact on my life. This organization has changed and literally saved lives and continues to do so daily.

To the Pepper Pod team: I would like you to know you have been entrusted with an extraordinary mission. You have touched the hearts of people who have put their trust in you. You spread joy and love all around you. Your words and actions are an example for many.

I wish you a long life—in fact, I wish us a long life. The Pepper Pod is an affair of the heart, and it is important for the Veteran community that the organization outlast its founding members. Congratulations Pepper Pod!