
Notes for Remarks by Craig Dalton Veterans Ombudsman to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (ACVA) on 2019 Report Card and Future Priorities

Chair, Committee Members:

Thank you for inviting me here today and for providing me with the opportunity to share the results of our 2019 Office of the Veterans Ombudsman (OVO) Report Card. I would also like to take this opportunity – my first such opportunity to appear before you – to highlight some of our ongoing work as well as outline my priorities going forward. I am joined today by the Deputy Veterans Ombudsman – Sharon Squire.

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Veterans Ombudsman to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs

Chair, Committee Members,


Thank you for inviting me to appear before you today and comment on your study, Barriers to Transition and Measureable Outcomes of Successful Transition.

This is unfortunately not the first time I have come up to Parliament Hill to speak about the transition of servicemen and servicewomen from the Canadian Armed Forces to civilian life. I do hope that this is the last time because we really need to take action rather than further study this topic.

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Bill C-44, Budget Implementation Act, 2017, No. 1


Budget 2017 contains eight new or enhanced benefits for Veterans and their families to help ensure that they receive the support they need and deserve. While it has taken time to get where we are today, I am cautiously optimistic that we are moving in the right direction.

However, special attention needs to be placed on defining the long term outcomes that we want to achieve for Veterans and their families. Without that anchor, analysis is impossible and determining success is problematic.

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Comparative Study of Services to Veterans in Other Jurisdictions

Chair, Committee Members:

Thank you for inviting me to appear before you as you begin your study of services to Veterans in other jurisdictions. 

I believe it is important that we monitor what other countries are doing in support of their Veterans in order to stay abreast of best practices. However, I also believe that it is paramount to find Canadian solutions to address Canadian issues and problems. 

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The Requirement for a Defined, Professional and Effective Transition Process

Speaking Notes: Guy Parent, Veterans Ombudsman, to the Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs of the Senate Standing Committee of National Security and Defence.

Chair, Committee Members,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you as you begin your study on the requirement for a defined, professional and effective transition process. 

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Speaking Notes: Sharon Squire, Deputy Veterans Ombudsman - Senate Subcommittee on Veterans Affairs

Chair, Committee Members,

Thank you for your invitation to appear today to discuss Bill C-15, The Budget Implementation Act, as it pertains to Canada’s Veterans.

I am appearing on behalf of Veterans Ombudsman Guy Parent. Yesterday, he shared his opinion on Bill C-15 at the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. However, today he was committed to be in Quebec City for the Annual Director General Meeting of Military Family Resource Centres, so I am appearing for him.

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