Systemic Reviews

2024 March

We launched this review after receiving a complaint from a Veteran’s loved one. The Veteran died after Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) made a favourable Pain and Suffering Compensation (PSC) decision. He had no surviving spouse, common-law partner, or dependent children...

2024 February

I am pleased to provide this update about the actions taken by VAC to resolve the complaint we received from the Chair of the RCMP Veteran Women’s Council on behalf of some claimants to the Merlo Davidson Class Action Settlement...

2022 December

In May 2017 the Federal Court (Citation: 2017 FC 533) approved the settlement of the Merlo Davidson Class Action to “resolve the claims of…class members who experienced…gender and/or sexual orientation based harassment and discrimination…while working in the RCMP during the class period.”

2022 September

In this update, we reviewed the wait times, disaggregated for service, sex and language, for the fiscal year 2021-2022. We found that while there has been notable improvement over the past year, VAC is still far from meeting their service standard...

2022 April

OVO reviewed VAC processes for handling sexual dysfunction claims related to psychiatric conditions. Our review found systemic unfairness for female Veterans in certain decision-making processes. 

2022 February

From 2006 to 2019, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) financially compensated Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and Veterans for service-related disabilities via the Disability Award—a lump sum payment. In 2019, VAC replaced the Disability Award with the Pain and Suffering Compensation—a monthly payment for life.

2021 October

This scoping review charts academic literature and government documents about women Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The current review is unique because the scope is limited to Canadian women Veterans, the author incorporates non-academic literature and information about RCMP women Veterans, and reviews literature about women Veterans as a whole, rather than focusing on a specific issue.

2021 June

This report covers an investigation to determine whether Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma (MST), have access to Veterans Affairs Canada’s (VAC) peer support programs.

2021 January

This report examines whether access to mental health treatment benefits should be provided to the families of CAF Veterans in their own right, as a result of the unique and challenging conditions of military service.

2020 September

The review concludes that further research is required to determine how Canada might best assist those who provide valuable, and yet largely unrecognized and unpaid, support to our Veterans.