Beginning in 2017, the OVO has published an Annual Report Card to track the progress by VAC in implementing the recommendations we have made over the course of our systemic reviews. The indication of “Implemented”, “Partially Implemented” or “Not Implemented” against each recommendation in the chart is based on our assessment of the actions taken by VAC.
Since the inception of the office in 2007, and as of 31 March 2022, the OVO has completed 21 systemic reviews resulting in 95 recommendations. While 20 of these are now considered to have been overtaken by events, we continue to track the remaining 75.
As of 31 March 2022, VAC has fully or partially implemented 69% or 52 of our 75 tracked recommendations, a slight improvement over last year. In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, we published two reports with four new recommendations, only one of which we can assess as being partially implemented based on the recent work that has gone into the establishment of a funded peer support program that meets the needs of Veterans who have experienced MST.
For this fifth Report Card we sought input from VAC on each of the 35 partial or not implemented recommendations, and are encouraged by their responses. VAC has indicated that they are monitoring or working to implement 18 of the partially or not implemented recommendations.
For the remaining recommendations, we acknowledge that legislative or regulatory amendments would need to be made in order to implement a number of these. To be clear, these recommendations reflect, in each case, a systemic unfairness or inequity that we had identified for resolution at the time in order for Government to wholly fulfill its obligation to those who have served their country.
In particular, we would highlight our continuing concern about the following outstanding recommendations:
Provide equitable access to timely decisions regardless of factors such as the applicant’s gender and language; and Triage applications upon receipt based on health and financial need.
Our 2018 investigation into wait times for disability claims found unreasonable delays for Veterans needing access to funded health care treatment for their claimed conditions. We also found that women and francophone applicants waited longer than others.
In 2021-22 VAC closed the equity gap in disability claim decision wait times for men and women applicants, and furthermore has reduced the overall wait times for RCMP applicants. But, the inequity for francophone applicants still remains, and on average, applicants are still waiting well beyond the 16 week service standard for decisions. While it must be acknowledged that VAC has taken significant steps to reduce the backlog and streamline the adjudication of disability claims, the number one complaint that we receive continues to be about wait times. The impact of this excessive wait time can be detrimental particularly for CAF Veterans who may be experiencing significant challenges in accessing the health care system.
With the average wait time still beyond the 16-week service standard, we urge VAC to fully implement our recommendation to triage disability benefit applications upon receipt based on unmet health needs.
Ensure that family members, including former spouses, survivors and dependent children, have access to federal Government funded mental health treatment in their own right when the mental health illness is related to conditions of military service experienced by the family member, independent of the Veteran’s treatment plan and regardless of whether the Veteran is engaging in treatment (three recommendations).
Our 2020 report found that when a family member suffers from an illness or injury related to the unique conditions and challenges of military service, they should have access to mental health treatment, independent of the Veteran’s treatment or rehabilitation plan. We know that military service affects the health and well-being of both Veterans and their family members for a number of reasons, including frequent postings and deployments as well as the inherent risk of military service.
VAC has demonstrated some progress towards meeting these recommendations by being flexible in addressing the mental health needs of family members. However, the legislative change that would be required to implement this recommendation has not yet been undertaken.
Amend New Veterans Charter legislation [Veterans Well-being Act] and regulations to permit a single CAF member with no dependent children to designate a family member to apply for and receive the Death Benefit.
Our 2016 report found that CAF members who are single and without dependents are unable to designate another family member to be the recipient of the Death Benefit in the case of service-related, sudden death.
The recommendation seeks to eliminate this unfairness based on the definition of “survivor” as it is described in the Veterans Well-being Act. We remain concerned about this inequity and will continue to press for resolution.
Over the past year, VAC has made important progress in reducing the backlog of disability claims and in eliminating the inequity in wait times between men and women applicants. However, the average wait time remains significantly beyond the 16 week service standard for disability benefit decisions and may be impacting the health of certain CAF Veterans.
All of our recommendations derive from systemic reviews of unfair or inequitable access to the benefits and programs provided by VAC in fulfilment of the Government’s obligation to those who have served Canada, whether in uniform themselves or as the families of a service member. The recommendations that remain unaddressed serve to shine a light on issues that must be rectified. Where VAC disagrees with our recommendation to rectify an unfairness, we will re-examine those and seek to determine whether and how they may need to be updated.
2021-2022 Progress Summary
The following table provides a summary of the progress made by VAC on our recommendations since our first Report Card issued in 2017. Of note, over time, some of these have become redundant and therefore the percentage fully or partially implemented is based on those that are still valid.
Year | Recommendations made since 2007 | No Longer Tracked | Still Valid | Implemented by VAC | Progress |
2017 | 57 | 0 | 57 | 37 | 65% |
2018 | 74 | 10 | 64 | 46 | 72% |
2019 | 81 | 18 | 63 | 50 | 79% |
2021 | 93 | 17 | 76 | 52 | 68% |
2022 | 95 | 20 | 75 | 52 | 69% |
2022 Progress Assessment Chart
Year |
Report |
Recommendation |
2021 Status |
VAC Position Statement |
2022 |
Not Implemented ![]() |
VAC does not agree with this recommendation and will not be implementing changes |
2021 |
Peer Support for Veterans who have Experienced Military Sexual Trauma
Partially Implemented ![]() |
VAC continues to work with the Sexual Misconduct Response Centre towards implementing this recommendation |
Not Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented | ||
2021 |
Not Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented |
Not Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented | ||
Partially Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented | ||
2020 |
Financial Compensation for Canadian Veterans
Not Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented |
Not Implemented |
This recommendation is not part of any future policy/program considerations at this time | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Not Implemented |
This recommendation is not part of any future policy/program considerations at this time | ||
2020 |
Not Implemented |
Unable to provide comments as it is part of ongoing litigation |
Not Implemented |
Unable to provide comments as it is part of ongoing litigation | ||
Not Implemented |
Unable to provide comments as it is part of ongoing litigation | ||
Income Replacement Benefit Calculation for Reserve Force Veterans |
The OVO suggests the following change to the wording of paragraph 18(1)(b) of the Veterans Well-being regulations (and other relevant sections): For a Veteran whose final release is from the Reserve Force, select the greater of:
Partially Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation |
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
2018 |
Meeting Expectations: Timely and Transparent Decisions for Canada’s Ill and Injured Veterans
Partially Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation |
Partially Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation | ||
Partially Implemented
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Implemented |
Not Implemented |
VAC does not agree with this recommendation and will not be implementing changes | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation | ||
Partially Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation | ||
2017 |
Continuum of Care: A Journey from Home to Long Term Care
Partially Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation |
Not Implemented |
Part of future policy considerations | ||
Not Implemented |
This recommendation is not part of any future policy/program considerations at this time | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Not Implemented |
VAC continues to work towards implementing this recommendation |
2017 |
Improving the New Veterans Charter The Actuarial Analysis – Follow up Report |
No Longer |
No Longer |
No Longer |
No Longer |
2016 |
Veterans’ Families: Caring for those who care
No Longer |
No Longer |
2016 |
Partially Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented |
Implemented |
Partially Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented |
Partially Implemented |
VAC considers this recommendation partially implemented |
2016 |
Fair Compensation to Veterans and their Survivors for Pain and Suffering
Implemented |
Implemented |
Not Implemented |
This recommendation is not part of any future policy/program considerations at this time | ||
2014 |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
No Longer |
2013 |
No Longer |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
2013 |
Financial Support – Economic Benefits
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
No Longer |
Financial Support – Non Economic Benefits
Implemented |
No Longer |
Implemented |
Vocational Rehabilitation and Assistance Support
No Longer
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Family Support
Implemented |
Implemented |
No Longer
Implemented |
Not Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits | ||
Implemented |
Implemented |
No Longer |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Not Implemented |
VAC does not agree with this recommendation and will not be implementing changes |
Implemented |
Implemented |
2012 |
Honouring and Connecting with Canada’s Veterans: a National Veterans Identification Card |
No Longer |
Implemented |
No Longer |
Implemented |
2012 |
Veterans' Right to Disclosure - A Matter of Procedural Fairness |
No Longer |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Redundant |
2011 |
Veterans' Right to Know Reasons for Decisions: A Matter of Procedural Fairness |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
2009 |
Partially Implemented |
VAC will continue to monitor its programs and benefits. | |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |
Implemented |